

Dunkin' Donuts franchisor deploys Brivo ACS

Las Vegas, Nevada (USA)

Brivo Systems, LLC, active in web applications for access control and security systems, announce that upwards to 10 Dunkin' Donuts locations are, or will soon be, using the Brivo ACS WebService access control system to ensure security and improve operational efficiency. Professional Security Technologies introduced the Brivo technology and is overseeing on-going installation.

Northern New Jersey-based Waytodough has approximately 20 Dunkin' Donuts franchise locations, along with a central baking facility, which services all their stores and about 100 other stores. The company's Fort Lee, NJ location is the 2nd-largest grossing Dunkin' Donuts in the country. Ever Santana is VP of operations for Waytodough, "The Brivo web interface is fantastic, it's easy to access and very user friendly. I have multiple managers in several different locations accessing the system for any of our stores to monitor and manage personnel."

At present, Santana has Brivo installed at six of the company's Dunkin' Donuts locations and the central bakery, managing access for over 225 employees. There is a mix of wired and wireless Brivo panels and the company has plans to continue to roll out the Brivo ACS to its new locations, while retrofitting existing locations, with the total number of stores projected to reach approximately 40 locations. "We use it as a very effective productivity tool," Santana continued. "We can easily see, and run reports on, the number of times specific doors are opened, by who, and when. We know where our employees are and, particularly in the bakery, how they are moving about the facility doing their jobs. With the data we collect, we can improve operations with targeted training and feedback."

Brivo is installed on main access doors and managers' doors, but also on kitchen equipment like coolers and refrigerators and pass-through doors within facilities. "Ever and his team are using the Brivo ACS as a major management tool," said Bill Brenner, vice president, Professional Security Technologies. "Having an easy-to-operate, effective access control system that helps improve efficiencies has the potential to significantly impact their bottom line."

"Once Bill and Ever saw the ease of installation and operation," said Steve Van Till, Brivo president and CEO, "they moved quickly to devise a plan in which all their Dunkin' Donut locations are overseen by one, centralized system that can be accessed anytime, anywhere to manage access control and operations."

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