

ISS launches advanced vehicle detection solution

St Paul, Mn

Image Sensing Systems. Inc. a developer of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) above-ground detection technology, is launching Autoscope Vision, designed as a highly accurate, easy-to-use multi-tasking video detection technology solution.

Transportation agencies are looking for solutions to maximize the capacity of their existing roadways while enhancing safety and security for vehicles and bicycles. Autoscope Vision delivers these solutions by offering the highest level of accurate stop bar and advanced vehicle detection, bicycle detection and differentiation, high-definition video surveillance and comprehensive traffic data collection. The performance of Vision is robust and reliable on a new hardware platform designed to support future ITS capabilities and applications.

“We are excited about introducing the Autoscope Vision to the transportation market,” said Greg McKhann, General Manager of Traffic Management. “We listened carefully to end users to develop a new standard for video detection. Vision is designed to meet the needs of our customers by providing best in class detection accuracy, which is achieved by combining our proven algorithms with new object-tracking technology. Autoscope Vision offers a broad range of functions and simple, intuitive programming and setup. This product will elevate the safety and efficiency of intersection control for our end users. ISS and our partner Econolite are introducing the Vision technology to the North American market at the ITE Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California.”

Autoscope Vision is an integrated camera-processor sensor solution with a high-definition, wide dynamic range camera with sophisticated tracking-based algorithms for outstanding performance. Vision is complimented by a sophisticated Autoscope Comm Manager, a versatile communication hub with a small in-cabinet footprint that optimises space efficiency. The Comm Manager supports local Wifi communications and streaming video to mobile devices. These enhanced feature capabilities will be critical as connected vehicle and smart cities technologies continue to expand and grow.


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