

Major industry players to attend 10th ICAO MRTD, biometrics and security symposium

Montreal, Canada

This annual event is to be held at the ICAO Montreal Headquarters from 7 - 9 October and will address ICAO MRTD standards and specifications, identification management best practices as well as related border security issues. The organisers are anticipating that all major industry players will be present.
The Symposium speakers and facilitators will include world leaders in this specialised field, policy makers and senior managers, top experts, practitioners, researchers, many from the relevant working groups of ICAO, ISO and other international organisations.

The Symposium will build on the ICAO's new Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP) which was approved by the ICAO Assembly in September 2013 responding to the global driving forces and needs of Member States. TRIP provides a framework for achieving the maximum benefits of travel documents in the future. The programme brings together the elements of identification management and building on ICAO's leadership in matters related to Machine Readable Travel Documents. In addition, it is hoped that TRIP will further strengthen ICAO's Symposium as one of the leading international event of its kind in this very specialist field.

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