

Airlive Smartcube improves efficiency

Taipei, Taiwan

In response to market demand, Airlive is releasing its SmartcubeSC-300W - 3MP intelligent wireless cube IP camera that features 5 innovative functions to improve the management effciency of a retail business.

Managing a small shop carries many important responsibilities, including, supervision of staff, preparing statistics,  customer care etc. The new  Airlive SmartcubeSC-300W is equipped with five cutting-edge functions to help with these tasks, inlcuding people counting, voice announcement as a greeting, temperature/humidity sensor, intelligent video analytics, and 2-way voice communication to enhance a shop's management and operation efficiencies.

The people counting feature allows the shop manager to instantly check how many people have visited the business. The Smartcube SC-300W counts visitors in the defined zone and then automatically sends reports. The solution is able to provide information about the hours during which the customers were present. Based on the receipts and invoices issued, the manager or shop owner can calculate statistics based on visitors versus purchases to assess shop performance. This enables the shop to be managed more efficiently in terms of personnel arrangements for both peak and off peak times of day or even over a week.

With the greeting voice announcement function, the camera is able to set and play greetings messages to customers as they enter or leave the store. The built-in sound library includes a bell ring, "Welcome" and "Bye- Bye." And, it also allows the user to upload his/her own voice samples to the camera.

The SC-300 has a temperature and humidity sensor embedded and is able to display the in room information on temperature and humidity in real-time, allowing the user to adjust room settings for optimum staff and customer comfort.

The IVA (intelligent video analytics) feature helps the user to maintain a high degree of security without the requirement for extra human resources. For example, the camera has a facial recognition function designed for high performance on human faces only. In addition, the embedded IVA feature allows the user to set detection boundaries to react when any object passes or crosses a defined line or area.

The 2-way voice communication is an optional funtion on the SC-300 Smartcube IP camera. This option allows the owner to be still in contact with customers if they have to momentarily leave the store ; an improvement on leaving a card in the window saying "be right back".

The Smartcube SC-300W is designed for easy setup and operation with mobile devices. It supports the App Cam software that is available for Android and IOS. With the App installed on their mobile, the user can see a preview of an image, live view, view information about the temperature and humidity, and  they can manage the camera remotely from anywhere over the internet.  More advanced features are available through the mobile web wizard - specially prepared for the mobile version of the configuration panel.

Airlive Smartcube SC-300W is an innovative product that supports 3MP, 1080P, 720P and resolution options,  and has been designed as an ideal, compact, and cost-effective solution to help with the care of  reatail business with instant information 24/7.


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