

Multi-core video analytics engine (MVE) evaluation kit

Berkeley, California (USA)

Eutecus, Inc. has released a new version of its Multi-core video analytics engine (MVE) evaluation kit, featuring an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface, among other improvements. MVE is the first solution to enable embedding an entire high-performance video analytics event detection application on a single low-cost FPGA, the Spartan 3A DSP from Xilinx.

Eutecus CEO Stephen D. Hester says, "A significant barrier to increased use of Video Analytics is the
effort required during installation and set up / adjustment of the cameras. This translates into real dollars. Eutecus' new GUI provides a simple, easy-to-learn and easy-to-use interface for the integrator and the end user. The first version of the MVE Evaluation Kit, which we demonstrated at the Electronica 2008 Trade Show in Munich as a Xilinx Alliance Partner, embedded our advanced image processing technology into a FPGA. MVE Evaluation Kit 2.0 embeds our extensive know-how about how to use advanced image processing technology into the same platform. This release continues our objective of providing
improved, robust Video Analytics for the real world at a lower cost point through integration at the edge
of the network."

Eutecus designed MVE for OEMs (security camera, DVR and other device manufacturers) wishing to implement a ready-made video content analysis solution into their product lines at a lower price point and higher performance than existing offerings on the market. MVE provides numerous advantages over DSP and PC-based solutions, including multiple event detectors running in parallel ("all the rules, all the time"), processing of HD video streams at a 30 fps video frame rate, as well as greater reliability and stability. MVE can also be used in conjunction with Eutecus' other advanced image processing solutions, such as object classification.

The MVE Evaluation Kit 2.0 is a fully-configurable test environment for experimenting and demonstrating MVE technology. Its features can also be used as prototypes for real-world video analytics solutions. The MVE Evaluation Kit runs on the Xilinx Xtreme DSP Video Starter Kit (VSK) which was a finalist for an EDN Innovation Award and is available from authorized Xilinx distributors.

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