

The Anvil Group completes evacuation of UK civilians in Georgia

Winchester, UK

The Anvil Group, a specialist in crisis avoidance services, has completed the successful evacuation of four UK civilians from Georgia. The Anvil Group was able to extract the wife and three children of a high-ranking corporate executive to safety within 48 hours after receiving the alarm, at the height of the conflict.

Working on behalf of its client, The Anvil Group's crisis response team put together a plan and executed it with precision to ensure that the family was in a safe location prior to the conflict spiralling out of control. "We evacuated four people out of the region to their home via a safe location in neighbouring Armenia. It is imperative that businesses are prepared to react rapidly to situations such as the Georgian conflict, when employees and their families need to be evacuated to safety," says The Anvil Group's director, Matthew Judge. "We received the initial request for evacuation on a Saturday night and by Monday afternoon we had moved the party to safety."

Businesses utilising The Anvil Group's Travel Risk Intelligence System (TRIS) are able to keep abreast of developments of the Georgian conflict, as well as other global incidents that may have an effect on the health, safety and well being of the employees. "Through using solutions such as TRIS, businesses are able to monitor situations such as Georgia as they develop and adjust their safety and security policies accordingly," Judge adds. "The Georgian conflict has been high profile with many heads of states and politicians visiting the location in hopes of quick resolution to the conflict. It is imperative that businesses have a thorough risk management process and crisis response plans that can be invoked in situations such as the Georgian crisis."

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