

Mobotix adjusts business strategy for more profitable opportunities

Langmeil, Germany

In a statement discussing the company's outlook for the future for the business year 2023/2024, Mobotix progresses with its business re-organisation and investments in quality, cyber security, industry certifications and solutions for specific vertical applications such as healthcare, industry and critical infrastructure as key drivers for revenue and profit in joint integrations with specific technology partners.

The “Mobotix One” IoT camera platform is due to be launched during spring 2024. This robust and innovative visual IoT platform will open new integration opportunities with software analytics, providing valuable business intelligence and automation for our customers and users in targeted markets. Additionally, Mobotix plans to enhance thermal technologies to optimise processes and workflows which are going beyond traditional video security applications.

The company plans that the acquisition of Vaxtor Technologies in 2022 will play a significant role in this development after the success and growth of the company becoming a leading player in AI technology for devices like video cameras or smartphones in the video surveillance, smart city and mobility markets. Increased investments are also planned for Vaxtor's organisation while adjusting other operating expenses to prioritise software sales. Business strategy has as such been updated to focus on more profitable opportunities and solution segments in selected vertical markets and to reduce investments in market- and product areas with lower profit contributions.

The revenue target for the entire Mobotix Group during the year 2023/24 has been estimated in the range of min. EUR 54.0 million to EUR 56.0 million. EBIT for the 2023/24 financial year is planned in the range of min. EUR 0.3 million to EUR 1.0 million while further optimisation and synergies are being implemented e.g. new communication platforms and tools with partners.

Mobotix Management Board plans to scale the new product technology areas and vertical business focus further across all markets next months and to optimise customer experience. An updated mid-term plan will be presented before the next Annual General Meeting on 10 May 2024 outlining further details of business and profit contributions for the next years.


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